Xiaoming Guan, Baylor College of Medicine
Joseph Hudgens, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Filipa Osorio, Hospital Santa Maria - Hospital da Luz
Harry Reich, n/a

This course is intended for practicing OB-GYN surgeons as well as residents and fellows that wants to develop and improve their skills in different complex scenarios for total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). Large Uterus, Obese Patients, Patients with Multiple Previous Surgeries and Frozen Pelvis are often a challenge for the surgeon. We aim to promote interactive discussions on key points steps, landmarks and techniques to reinsure the surgeon to safely perform complex cases. Tips and tricks will be discussed. Different minimally invasive approaches for large uterus will be debated. Attending this PG course will secure the surgeon to reach the next level of complexity allowing a better treatment for our patients.
Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Identify anatomical landmarks to safely approach TLH surgery; 2) Employ tips and tricks to overcome difficult scenarios in TLH; and 3) Different techniques to different cases.
945 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
950 How It All Started
H. Reich
10:15 Approach to Patients with Obesity, Multiple Previous Surgeries and Large Uterus
M. Cesta
10:40 How to Deal with Previous C-Sections Scarred Bladder and Ovaries
F.B. Osorio
11:05 Approach to Patients with Extensive Endometriosis and Frozen Pelvis
J.L. Hudgens
11:30 Argument for Use of Vnotes and Robotic Surgery for Large Uterus
X. Guan
11:55 Questions & Answers
12:13 Adjourn
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States