ANAT-612 – Didactic - Anatomy Part 1 - 2nd International School of Surgical Anatomy (ISSA) Course:Tips and Tricks in Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Surgical Anatomy to Perform Safe Gynecologic Surgery
Date & Time
Monday, November 6, 2023, 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Marcello Ceccaroni Sarah Choi Humberto Dionisi Gaby Moawad Shanti Mohling Shailesh Puntambekar Giovanni Roviglione

View Syllabus Here


Laparoscopic surgery for benign and deeply infiltrative diseases represents a difficult and challenging issue for pelvic surgeons. A precise knowledge of pelvic Surgical Anatomy and the achievement of a know-how for navigating the retroperitoneal spaces and structures, provide a powerful tool to formulate a well-planned treatment strategy for a successful and safe surgery. A skilled laparoscopic surgeon is one who dominates with no fear of the surgical field, achieving the perception of retroperitoneum as his “best friend”. The golden word for that is: “ANATOMY”.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Recognize the anatomical landmarks and major pelvic structures pertinent to gynecologic laparoscopy and retroperitoneal dissection for basic, intermediate and advances procedures; 2) Apply laparoscopic surgical techniques to enter and expose avascular spaces of the pelvis, parametrial ligaments, nerves and pelvic vessels and their relations to the ureter and retroperitoneal structures; and 3) Cite the principles of a nerve-sparing “philosophy” and the step-by-step dissection of the uterine artery and the pelvic ureter related to the different gynecological retroperitoneal procedures (i.e. big uteri, intraligamentary myomas, deep endometriosis, and gynecologic cancers).


7:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

7:05 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of the Pelvis and Retroperitoneum: What We Need to Know for a Safe Surgery
S. Mohling
7:20 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy for a Safe Hysterectomy Step-By-Step
G. Moawad
7:35 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of Parametrial Ligaments for a Safe and Tailored Parametrial Surgery
S. Puntambekar
7:50 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of Pelvic and Para-Aortic Retroperitoneum for a Safe Pelvic and Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy
G. Roviglione
8:05 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of Anterior Compartment (Bladder, Ureters, Ligaments): Tips and Tricks for a Safe Pelvic Surgery
H. Dionisi
8:20 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of Posterior Compartment (Uterine and Rectal Ligaments, Douglas Pouch, Rectum): Tips and Tricks for a Safe Pelvic Surgery
S. Choi
8:35 Laparoscopic Surgical Anatomy of Visceral and Somatic Pelvic Innervation for a Safe and Nerve-Sparing Radical Pelvic Surgery
M. Ceccaroni
8:50 Retroperitoneum is Your Best Friend: How Can Anatomy Help the Surgeon in Preventing Complications
J.F. Magrina
905 Questions & Answers

929 Adjourn


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Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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Session Type
PG Course Didactic