Malcolm Munro, University of California, Los Angeles
Bala Bhagavath, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
Elizabeth Tunney, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Arielle Valdez-Sinon, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Kantesh Katti, All India Institute Of Medical Sciences
Tarek Khalife, Mayo Clinic Health System
Jorge Dotto, IADT Instituto Argentino de Diagnostico y Tratamiento

Moderators: S. Krishnakumar/Mahmut Bilal Sert
3:15 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
3:19 Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Following Intrauterine Adhesiolysis - A Systematic Review
B. Bhagavath, H. Huddleston, M.H. Emanuel, A.B. Hooker, C.A. Salazar, C. Martin, D. Sobti, J. Kumar, M.G. Munro
3:25 Assessing Lignocaine in Distension Medium for Pain in Office Hysteroscopy: RCT
K.M. Katti, J. Meena
3:31 Treatment of Severe and Moderate Intrauterine Adhesions: Results of PREG2 International RCT on the Effectiveness of Womed Leaf Barrier Film
H. Fernandez, L. Miquel, J. Sroussi, S. Weyers, M. Munmany, X. Luo, P. Kovar, Y. Wang, A. Di Spiezio Sardo, A. Surbonne, V. Delporte, E. Moratalla, M. Sauvan, G. Perrini, L. Sui, M. Mara
3:37 Evaluating the Role of Hysteroscopy Guided Biopsy in Triaging Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia for Subspecialty Referral
T. Khalife, S.L. Rassier, A.L. Brien, A.R. Carrubba, K. Butler, K. Casper, M.P. Griffith, S. Afsar
3:43 Food and Drug Administration Database Secondary Analysis: Difference in Operative Hysteroscopy Device Safety Profiles
A.N. Valdez-Sinon, A.M. Madison, M.E. Gornet
3:49 The Adverse Impact of Endometrial Trauma on Pregnancy Outcomes; A Real-World Evidence Study
M.G. Munro, C. Martin, I.B. Feldberg, O. Kshirsagar, D. Sobti, M.P. Bharadwaz, J. Miller, R. Wang
3:55 Is Endometrial Biopsy Useful for Postmenopausal Bleeding in out-Patient Hysteroscopy - A Randomized Control Trial
E. Tunney, S. Yambasu, I. Gyawali, F. Salameh, E. Gaughan, F. Reidy, V. O'Dwyer, C. Harrity, N. Burke
4:01 Office Hysteroscopy: Its Relevance as a Screening Method in High-Risk Asymptomatic Patients
J.E. Dotto Sr., P.G. Da Graca Mila, M.A. Bigozzi Jr., A. Maciel, J.E. Dotto, Jr
4:07 Discussion - Questions & Answers
4:15 Adjourn
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