Jessica Shim, Boston Children's Hospital
Gylynthia Trotman
Victoria Vargas, Johns Hopkins University

Many gynecologists may be familiar with the evaluation and management of endometriosis in adults, but diagnostic delay and under-recognition of endometriosis in adolescents remains common. This course, led by experts in minimally invasive gynecology and pediatric and adolescent gynecology, aims to offer a thorough understanding of endometriosis in adolescence, with focused attention on the distinctive features that sets endometriosis in adolescence apart from adulthood, and the nuances to consider when managing adolescents medically and surgically. Images and videos will enhance the audience's ability to recognize endometriotic lesions in the adolescent pelvis. Additionally, the course will encompass a comprehensive review on the management of endometriosis in adolescents. Given the array of available surgical techniques and medication classes, the course will critically analyze existing literature on all treatment options. Speakers will frame the course with best practices for adopting a patient-centered, personalized approach when communicating with, examining, and treating adolescent patients.
Learning Objectives: After attending this session, the participant will be able to: 1) Recite the symptoms and laparoscopic findings of endometriosis in adolescents; 2) Complete an appropriate and patient-centered workup for an adolescent with symptoms suspicious for endometriosis; and 3) Describe the available treatment options for endometriosis in adolescents and preventive strategies for long-term sequelae.
Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
Tips and Tricks to Setting the Stage with an Adolescent
Sloane Berger-Chen, MD, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Surgical Approaches to Endometriosis in the Adolescent
Maria V. Vargas, MD, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Medical Therapies and Preventive Strategies
Gylynthia E. Trotman, MD, Mount Sinai Health System/Kravis Children's Hospital, New York, NY
Presentation, Evaluation, and When to Consider Laparoscopy
Jessica Y. Shim, MD, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Discussion - Questions & Answers - All Faculty
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