Panel 1 – Change that is Real and Lasting: Is it Possible to Achieve True Sustainability in Surgical Care?
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Kelly Wright Louise King

View Syllabus Here

Operating room waste is one of the main drivers of waste coming from our hospitals and in any community our hospitals are frequently one of if not the largest contributors to waste and environmental burden. When we think of our role in this as surgeons it can feel overwhelming - how can we as individuals make meaningful change? In this course we will review the evidence re operating room waste - what contributes to environmental burden and how can we decrease that contribution? Our discussion session will be focused on ensuring each participant can bring concrete action items back to their institution.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, the participant will: 1) Review the huge carbon impact of the operating room; 2) Discuss ways to decarbonize the operating room through reducing waste, energy, and supply chain items; and 3) Partner with industry in requesting reusable and carbonfriendly technology as opposed to single-use plastic.Course Outline
2:00 pm Welcome, Introductions, and Course Overview
Louise P. King
2:05 pm Impact - How Big is Problem?
K. Wright
2:20 pm Policy/Ethics – Why is This Such a Hard Problem to Address
A. Melnyk
2:35 pm Concrete Ways to Make Change
E. Richards
2:50 pm Panel Discussion/Questions and Answers
L.P. King
3:00 pm Adjourn

Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
PG Course Didactic