Debate 1 – Early Pregnancy Loss – Which is the Best Surgical Approach? Suction or Hysteroscopic
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Oshri Barel

View Syllabus Here

Course Description: Surgical termination of early pregnancy loss by dilation and curettage is complicated by postoperative intrauterine adhesions in up to 20% of women, possibly causing infertility and recurrent abortions. With the aim of reducing the rates of retained products of conception and postoperative intrauterine adhesions, hysteroscopic procedures have been suggested instead of the “blind” curettage. However, the hysteroscopic procedures require surgical expertise and could be associated with higher costs, longer operative time and potential complications. In this debate, the panel will describe the different surgical techniques and discuss the pro and cons of the hysteroscopic approach for termination of early pregnancy loss.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, the participant will: 1) Describe the surgical procedures for hysteroscopic removal of early pregnancy loss; 2) Describe the pros and cons of suction curettage versus hysteroscopy; and 3) Describe the long-term outcomes (adhesions, subsequent pregnancies) after evacuation of early pregnancy loss.

11:30    Welcome, Introductions, and Course Overview

11:40    Hysteroscopy
O. Barel

12:00    Suction
S. Kapurubandara

12:20    Questions and Answers – Discussion 
All Faculty

12:30    Adjourn



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Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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Session Type
PG Course Didactic