Full Name
Martin Hirsch
Oxford University Hospitals
Speaker Bio
Dr.Martin Hirsch (he/him) is a consultant gynaecologist and endometriosis specialist at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital in the United Kingdom. He works as a full-time gynaecological surgeon specialising in surgery for people with endometriosis including thoracic disease within a large multidisciplinary team. Martin was awarded a post graduate Doctorate degree from Queen Mary University of London and has published widely in the area of endometriosis including thoracic endometriosis. He has received national recognition awards from NHS improvement, The British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE) and Health Education England. Martin is the current chair of the BSGE thoracic endometriosis working party, senior council member of the BSGE covering international relations, and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Martin Hirsch