Aparna Ramanathan, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Anna Scipioni, University of South Florida
Rosanna Sobota, Medstar Washington Hospital Center
Eleanor Williams, Virtua Health
Chunhua Zhang, Affiliated Hospital of YangZhou University Huai 'an Maternal and Child Health Care Center
Leah Larson, University of Illinois at Chicago
Molly Dorroh, Kaleida Health, University at Buffalo

Moderators: Nita Desai/Magdi Hanafi
3:15 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
3:19 Operating Room Fire Prevention: Practical Pointers for Patient Protection
C.S. Kwon, L. Bender, N. Abu-Alnadi, A. McClurg, E.T. Carey, L.D. Schiff
3:25 Preoperative Evaluation of Parasitic Blood Supply in the Massive Uterine Myoma: An Essential Step Before Laparoscopic Myomectomy
R. Sobota, A. Ramanathan, J. Gulati, N. Kim, J.K. Robinson III
3:31 Innovative Uses of Intra-Operative Ultrasound in Minimally Invasive Gynecology
A.M. Scipioni, E. Mikhail
3:37 Robotic-Assisted Single-Port Laparoscopic Sacrohysteropexy
C. Zhang
3:43 Minimally Invasive Approach to Large Ovarian Cysts
L.E. Larson, N.R. King
3:49 Novel Approaches to Hysterectomy Utilizing the Da Vinci Single Port Robotic Platform
E. Williams, G.D. Bowers, S. Ali
3:55 Omentoplasty as an Alternative to Reperitonealization during Sacrocolpopexy
M.W. Burger, L. Dressler, A. Eddib
4:01 Discussion - Questions & Answers
4:15 Adjourn
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