Fernando Heredia, Universidad de Concepción
Shivani Parikh, University of Louisville Hospital
Rebecca Schneyer, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
AJah Chandler, Howard University College of Medicine
Thomas Gallant, Cleveland Clinic
Yanzhou Wang, Southwest Hospital, The First Affliated Hospital of the Army Medical Universty

Moderators: Julian Gingold/Eung-Mi Lee
2:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
2:04 Real-Time Near-Infrared ICG Fluorescence to Aid in Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis Bladder Nodule Shaving
F. Heredia, J.R. Escalona, D. Sanabria, M. Arévalo, I. Arévalo
2:10 Preoperative Sonographic Evaluation of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
S. Parikh, V. Brown, R.S. Barbaresso, R.P. Pasic
2:16 Treatment of Patients With Bladder Endometriosis
Y. Li, Y. Wang, R. Wang, H. Wei
2:22 Introducing the International Deep Endometriosis Analysis Group Ultrasound Evaluation for Pre-Operative Planning
A. Chandler, P. Akametalu, M.V. Vargas
2:28 Resection of Ischiorectal Endometriosis and Martius Flap Reconstruction
S. Mathur, A. Kobylianskii, N. Lemos
2:34 Utilization of MRI for Extra Pelvic Endometriosis
T. Gallant, L. Bar-El, C.R. King
2:40 Laparoscopic Excision of a Cervical Endometrioma
R.J. Schneyer, K. Hamilton, M.L. Barker, M.T. Siedhoff
2:46 Discussion - Questions & Answers
3:00 Adjourn
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