Peter Rosenblatt, Mount Auburn Hospital
Shayna Rubenstein, Brown University/Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island
Vinod Bhivsane, Girija Hospital
Leah Larson, University of Illinois at Chicago

Moderators: Amani Harris/Meir Jonathon Solnik
9:45 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
9:49 Laparoscopic Surgical Management of Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy: The Retrograde Milking Technique
S.A. Freeman, M.A. McGrattan, M. Atri, A. Murji
9:55 Fertility Preserving Laparoscopic Approach for Scar Ectopic Pregnancy Excision
V.R. Bhivsane, A. Kendre
10:01 Ovarian Torsion in Pregnancy
C. Maxey
10:07 Laparoscopic Hysterectomy After Childhood Ureteral Reimplantation
S. Rubenstein, T. Mupombwa
10:13 Surgical Approach to Laparoscopic Trachelectomy
L.E. Larson, N.R. King
10:19 Risks of Monopolar Electrosurgery in the Post-Morcellation Era a
P. Rosenblatt, D. Carr, W. Winkelman
10:25 Discussion - Questions & Answers
10:45 Adjourn
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