Linda Bradley, Cleveland Clinic
Michel Canis, C.H.U. Clermont-Ferrand CHU Estaing
Michael Shu, Henry Ford Health

4:15pm Opening Ceremony
4:24pm Introduction of AAGL MED Talk
4:24pm AAGL MED Talk I
What Defines a Gynecologic Surgical Mentor
Michael Shu, MD
Course Description: Minimally invasive gynecologic surgery (MIGS) is on the precipice of
ABOG subspecialty certification which in turn will produce a paradigm shift in the gynecologic
surgical care provided for women. As pathology becomes increasingly complex, our field
requires leaders and mentors to train and encourage a new generation of surgeons. What
defines a gynecologic surgical mentor? And who qualifies to fulfill this role for obstetrician
gynecologists at large? This MED Talk highlights why the MIGS subspecialist is most impactful
for this purposeful selection and advancement in healthcare and provides evidence - based
actions on how gynecologic surgeons may position themselves as consultants and mentors for
others in the local community.
Learning Objectives: After attending this session, the participant will be able to: 1) Define WHAT makes a gynecologic
surgical mentor, including a highlight of the MIGS subspecialist surgical abilities, and clinical knowledge; 2) Identify WHY
the MIGS subspecialist is most appropriate to mentor and teach a new wave of gynecologic surgeons; and 3) Explore
HOW the MIGS subspecialist should position himself/herself to be available for consultation, partnership, and most
importantly mentorship.
4:39pm Introduction of Honorary Chair
4:39pm Honorary Chair Address
Championing Change: Empower, Innovate, and Transform Gynecologic Care
Linda Bradley, MD
4:59pm Introduction of President
4:50pm Presidential Address
Looking Forward
Michel Canis, MD, PhD
5:15pm Induction of 2025 President
5:15pm Adjourn
900 Convention Center Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States