Attendee Policies

Personal Accountability Statement

As we gather in New Orleans for this year’s Global Congress, the health and safety of everyone who attends is our top priority. AAGL24 will take place in a safe and clean environment. We want you to feel confident about your decision to attend this year's meeting. By attending and participating in person for the AAGL Global Congress on MIGS, you agree to abide by and engage in certain health-and-safety- beneficial conduct while attending the event. We encourage all attendees to be fully vaccinated and to get the flu vaccine to protect themselves and others. We desire that all of us who can be vaccinated do so in order to protect everyone. For those traveling from outside the US, please be aware of restrictions placed on your country of origin, as travelers from some countries are required to quarantine for two weeks. AAGL requests that all attendees adhere to the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Disclaimer and Waiver

As a condition of my participation in this meeting or event, I hereby waive any claim I may have against the AAGL and its officers, directors, employees, or agents, or against the presenters or speakers, for reliance on any information presented and release AAGL from and against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from my participation or attendance at the program. I further understand and agree that all property rights in the material presented, including common law copyright, are expressly reserved to the presenter or faculty or to AAGL. I acknowledge that participation in AAGL events and activities brings some risk and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being. If another individual participates in my place per AAGL transfer policy, the new registrant agrees to this disclaimer and waiver by default of transfer. By registering for the AAGL Global Congress on MIGS, you acknowledge that you have read the policies and disclaimers described below and that you will comply with these AAGL’s participation policies.


AAGL intends to take photographs and video of this event for use in AAGL NewsScope and promotional material, in print, electronic, social and other media, video including the AAGL website or microsites. By participating in this event, I grant AAGL the right to use any image, photograph, voice or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional materials and publicity efforts without compensation. All media become the property of AAGL. Media may be displayed, distributed or used by AAGL for any purpose.

Virtual Code of Conduct

By registering for AAGL’s Global Congress, you agree not to:

  • Copy, transmit, forward, lend, sell, or modify any session recordings.
  • Use social media to defame, harass, stalk or attack attendees, participants, APHA Parties or vendors.
  • Post or disclose any other participant’s personal information
  • Post or otherwise use AAGL’s online platforms for self-promotion, advertising or any other commercial messages without prior written permission of AAGL.
  • Send spam or any other form of junk e-mail to any other participant.
  • Copy or take screen shots of Q&A or any chat room activity.
  • Livestream sessions or events on any media platforms such as Zoom, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
  • Take screen shots or record for blogging or distribution.
  • Use AAGL’s online platforms for offensive, incendiary or defamatory material of any kind.
  • Post or disclose anyone’s personal information without permission.

Code of Conduct

AAGL is committed to providing a friendly, safe, supportive, and harassment-free environment during the Congress. AAGL expects Congress participants to respect the rights of others and communicate professionally and constructively, whether in person or virtually, handling disagreement with courtesy, dignity, and an open mind. All participants are expected to observe these rules of conduct in all Congress venues. Organizers will actively enforce this code throughout this event. Violations are taken seriously. If an attendee or participant engages in inappropriate, harassing, abusive, or disruptive behavior or language, AAGL has the right to carry out any action it deems appropriate.

Americans with Disabilities

If you require special materials or services as covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact AAGL by email to Gerardo Galindo via email to Notice must be received in writing by September 2, 2024. Notices received after that date may not be guaranteed.