Design: Single case presentation
Setting: Academic center
Patients or Participants: Single case presentation
Interventions: The patient underwent robotic-assisted laparoscopic lysis of adhesions, removal of abdominal pelvic masses, and excision of endometriosis lesions. The patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position and trocars were inserted at the base of the umbilicus, left and right mid-quadrants, and at approximately 7cm lateral to the right trocar. A gel access port was placed.
Measurements and Main Results: Final surgical pathology showed that both abdominal masses were embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas. Peritoneal implants, right anterior wall lesions, right inguinal ring cysts, and right fallopian tube cysts contained fragments of tissue consistent with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, as well.
Conclusion: This case demonstrates that rarer pelvic pathologies may present similarly to common pelvic pathologies. Broad differential diagnoses and preoperative counseling on potential malignancies should be considered to avoid missing critical diagnoses.
Kim, V*, Sulger, E, Park, HI. Obstetrics & Gynecology, NYU Langone Long Island School of Medicine, Mineola, NY