Video Session 14 - Fibroids / Hysteroscopy
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Moderator: Wachyu Hadisaputra, Shahrzad Ansari​​​​​

2:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

2:03 Anterior Approach to Large Pathology
S.J. Seaman, M.N. Allen, C. Arora
2:09 Robotic Myomectomy for Pararectal Myoma Arising from the Uterosacral Ligament
N.E. Rivera, N. Dad, I. Alagkiozidis
2:15 Lessons from a Robotically Assisted Pararectal Parasitic Myoma Excision
C.W. Cheng, K. ElSahwi
2:21 Unmasking the Masquerade: Laparoscopic Removal of a Cotyledonoid Dissecting Leiomyoma Misdiagnosed As an Ovarian Tumor
T. Rao
2:27 Hysteroscopic Polyp Excision Using Concomitant Transcervical Ureteral Stone Basket
S.M. Stauble, C. Ramirez, A.D. Fielden
2:33 Technique of Transcervical Morcellation of a Large Type Zero Leiomyoma
A. McGregor, K. Arnolds
2:39 Enhancing Training in Office Hysteroscopy: A Preliminary Needs Assessment and Simulation Model Designed for the Flexible Hysteroscope
E. Reina, R. Cockrum, S. Senapati
2:45 Questions & Answers

2:59 Adjourn

Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
PG Course Didactic