Video Session 12 - Hysteroscopy
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Moderator: Pere Bresco, Jose Poblete

11:30 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

11:33 Hysteroscopic Approach to the Stenotic Cervix for Postmenopausal Patients
E. Covert, K. Bergin, J. Wilson-Leedy
11:39 Surgical Treatment for Uterine Isthmoceles
V. Fox, O. Fajardo, E. Cook, T.L. Anderson, H. Curlin
11:45 Hysteroscopic Resection of a Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
C. Sham, N. Cohen, S. Khalil
11:51 Hysteroscopic Removal of Iuds in Pregnancy: Considerations and Tips for Success
E. Chen, J. Ton
11:57 Three Techniques for Performing a Hysteroscopic Septoplasty
O.M. Silverberg, M. McGrattan, A.V. Olsthoorn, M.J. Solnik, M. Sobel
12:03 In Office Operative Hysteroscopy to Treat Intrauterine Uterine Adhesions: A Longitudinal Case Report.
A. Aguirre
12:09 Intrauterine Adhesions: Tips and Tricks
S.B. Kaiser, C. Gould
12:15 Questions & Answers

12:29 Adjourn

Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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