Video Session 17 - Urogynecology / Pelvic Floor Disorders
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Moderator: Atul Ganatra

3:15 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

3:18 Robotic-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy with Autologous Rectus Fascia (SCARF) Graft: A Mesh-Free Approach
F.K. Chan, C.Y. Johansson
3:24 Transverse Anterior Colporrhaphy in Combination with a Percutaneous Hysteropexy for the Treatment of Anterior Apical Defect
J. Tymon
3:30 Urologic Complication after Uterine Artery Embolization: A Case of Fibroid Fistulization
L. Yu, Z. Lee, O. Brown, S. Tsai, M.P. Milad, A. Chaudhari, P. Urbina, L.C. Yang
3:36 Endoscopic Management of Mersilene Tape Cerclage Bladder Perforation
H.C. Edell, R. Kung, S.C. Herschorn, P. Lee
3:42 Novel Technique for Colpocleisis: The Use of Tangential Hydro-Surgical Debridement.
R. Jalloul, H. Ayoub, S. El Shatanoufy
3:48 Case Presentation and Surgical Approach: Robot Assisted Mesh Excision
K. Kolesnikova, K. Shakiba
3:54 Hypogastric Nerve Dissection to Aid in Identification of the Sacral Promontory at the Time of Sacral Colpopexy
K. Burger, E. Myers
4:00 Questions & Answers

4:14 Adjourn

Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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