Video Session 02 - Robotics
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Moderator: Magdi Hanafi and Fatih Sendag

11:30 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

11:33 Hysteroscopic Multiple Myomectomy: Robotic Endoscope Updates
L.F. Harvey, R.B. Hendrick, D. Herrell, A. Couget, A. Hooker, T.L. Anderson
11:39 Robotic Approach to Mild Endometriosis and Vascular Entrapment of the Bilateral Sciatic Nerves
C.P. Crispi Jr., C.A. Souza, C.P. Crispi, C.M.V. Joaquim, T.R. Dantas
11:45 High Complexity Robotic-Assisted Myomectomy and Endometriosis Treatment Using Intraoperative Ultrasound.
M. Zlotnik, G.A. Barison, E. Zlotnik, D.C. Nazareth, M. Tamura, M. Corinti
11:51 Instillation of ICG Dye into Ureters for Intra-Operative Identification during Robotic Surgery
B. Ortiz, K. Paracha, O. Russel
11:57 Expanding the Scope: The Use of Indocyanine Green in Minimally Invasive Gynecology Surgery
N. Luna Ramirez, T.J. Norton, J. Mourad
12:03 Management of Caesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy Via Robotic Caesarean Scar Defect Repair – a Video Presentation
C. Rook, A. Lam
12:09 Robotic Assisted Gravid Hysterectomy for Management of Second Trimester Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
L. Lelea, T. Lombardi, J.M. Janco
12:15 Robotic Hysterectomy in Cesarean Scar Ectopic with Placenta Accreta
S. Varma, N. Dad, A. Elfeky, J. To, N. Rivera
12:21 Questions & Answers

12:29 Adjourn

Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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