Kullervo Hynynen, Sunnybrook Research Institute
Jordi Rodriguez Gonzalez, Mútua Terrassa University Hospital

Ultrasound in OBGY has always had an important place in the diagnostic management of our patients. What is less known is their involvement in therapy. These are non- or minimally invasive treatments already widely used for the treatment of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis. Other indications such as the treatment of endometriosis, particularly rectal endometriosis, seem promising
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, the participant member will be able to: 1) Adopt a global vision of the applications in OBGYN; 2) Cite the 2 guiding systems used (MRI or ultrasound) with the advantages and disadvantages; 3) Recognize the therapeutic indications for uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, and DIE; and 4) Recognize that this treatment can be performed even if the pregnancy project is not achieved.
Course Outline
11:30 am Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
G. Dubernard
11:35 am Mechanism of Ultrasound in Therapeutics
K. Hynynen
11:50 am HIFU in the Treatment of Benign Myometrial Disease: Myoma and Adenomyosis
J. Rodriguez Gonzalez
12:00 pm HIFU Treatment of Rectal Endometriosis: Results of a Safety Multicentric Study including 60 Patients
G. Dubernard
12:20 pm Discussion - Questions & Answers
All Faculty
12:30 pm Adjourn
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