Surgical Tutorial 6 – Gender Affirmation Surgery
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Rados Djinovic Cecile Ferrando Kristin Jacobs

View Syllabus Here

This surgical tutorial will provide attendees with an overview of the techniques used to perform penile inversion and peritoneal pull-through vaginoplasty for transfeminine patients, and laparoscopic/robotic vaginectomy as well as metoidioplasty/phalloplasty for transmasculine patients seeking gender affirmation surgery.


Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Describe the techniques used to perform penile inversion vaginoplasty; 2) Describe the techniques used to perform peritoneal pull through vaginoplasty; 3) Increase comfort level in offering and performing laparoscopic and/or robotic vaginectomy for transmasculine patients; and 4) Demonstrate familiarity with the techniques used to perform metoidioplasty and phalloplasty.

Course Outline

3:15 pm    Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
C. Ferrando
3:25 pm    Penile Inversion & Peritoneal Vaginoplasty
C. Ferrando
3:40 pm    Laparoscopic & Robotic Vaginectomy    
K. Jacobs
3:55 pm    Metoidioplasty & Phalloplasty    
R.P. Djinovic
4:10 pm    Discussion - Questions & Answers    
All Faculty
4:15 pm    Adjourn    



Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
PG Course Didactic