Surgical Tutorial 2 – How to Best Approach Hysterectomy in a Sustainable Way: The ASEAN Safety and Standards
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Prudence Aquino-Aquino Pattaya Hengrasmee


View Syllabus Here

Tips and Tricks - To provide tutorial session for the novices in MIGS concerning safety and standard care during TLH in terms of healthy workplace environment and safe & sound surgical steps.


Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to 1) Properly select the patient suited for TLH; 2) Confidently perform TLH; and 3) Avoid, identify, and manage intraoperative complications during the TLH.

Course Outline

2:00 pm    Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview    
P.V. Aquino-Aquino
2:05 pm    Who Are Good Candidates for TLH?    
P. Hengrasmee
2:15 pm    What Are the Intraoperative Steps to Ensure a Successful TLH?    
P. Hengrasmee
2:25 pm    Are There Ideal Sites for Port Placement?    
C.H. Sun
2:35 pm    How to Avoid/Handle Operative Complications    
C.H. Sun
2:45 pm    Discussion - Questions & Answers    
All Faculty
3:00 pm    



Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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