FIBR-617 – Didactic – Patient-Centered Treatment of Fibroid - Associated Symptoms: Nothing About Me, Without Me
Date & Time
Monday, November 6, 2023, 9:45 AM - 12:15 PM
David Eisenstein

View Syllabus Here

Fibroids and fibroid-associated symptoms, including AUB, pelvic discomfort, and subfertility, are a clinical arena naturally suited for patient-centered care (Ghant, et. al. 2016; Marsh et. al. 2017). The goal of the course is to inspire the learners to use patient-centered principles in management, as well as knowledge of the data on safety and outcomes for options in fibroid management, including pharmacologic, uterine-sparing, and extirpative treatments and procedures.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Integrate data on patient knowledge and preferences on fibroid management into the clinical care of their fibroid patients; 2) Integrate the evidence on safety and effectiveness when counseling their patients on treatment options; and 3) Compare and contrast uterine-sparing procedures with hysterectomy when counseling their patients on treatment options.


945 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

9:50 Fibroid Care…Meeting Our Patients Where They Are
J.H. Shin
10:15 The Weill Cornell Medical Center Experience
J.H. Shin
10:40 Uterine - Sparing Procedure: When, Where, and What
D. Eisenstein
11:05 Fibroids and Social Media: Canvassing the Landscape of Patient-Driven Priorities
M.D. Truong
11:30 "..Why Don't You Just Have a Hysterectomy…?” Uterine - Sparing Treatment in 5th Decade and Beyond
D. Eisenstein
11:55 Discussion - Questions & Answers
All Faculty
12:15 Adjourn


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Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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