Nome da Sessão
YAN-615 - Didactic - Construction 101 - Building a MIGS Career from the Ground Up
Data hora
segunda-feira, 6 de novembro de 2023, 07:00 - 09:30
Sadikah Behbehani Traci Ito Kenneth Poppen

View Syllabus Here

This course provides practical guidance in establishing a gynecology-based practice. Building a surgical practice with a business-minded approach requires a unique set of talents, especially for recent graduates. This course is directed towards gynecologic surgeons in both private practice and academics.  Topics will be highly applicable to FMIGS fellows and graduates early in their professional careers as well as practicing providers seeking to modify their current clinical practice. Didactic lectures will provide a set of usable, discrete tools to build the professional life you've aspired to obtain.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Utilize tools to market themselves as a gynecologic surgeon; 2) Employ ways to expand gynecologic clinical services offered; and 3) Strategize ways to work efficiently with other GYN specialties.


7:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

7:05 Contract Negotiation
S. Behbehani
7:20 Advertising Your Brand
O. Muldoon
7:30 Billing for Difficult Cases- How to Optimize Your Revenues
T. Ito
7:45 Billing for Difficult Cases- How to Optimize Your Revenues
K. Poppen
8:00 MIGS and Other Specialists- the Balance and Equilibrium of Working Together with GYN Generalists and Specialists, AI
A. Small Layne
8:20 Incorporating Office Hysteroscopy into Your Practice
C. Wu
8:40 Ultrasound in the Office /ABCs, Techniques
J. Barkley
900 Reviewing Your Mris for Deeply Infiltrative Endometriosis
A.S. Shenoy-Bhangle
920 Questions & Answers

929 Adjourn

Nome da localização
Endereço completo
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
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