Surgical Tutorial 1 – Optimizing Surgical Retraction Under a Formal Framework
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Noah Goldman

View Syllabus Here

This session will highlight crucial concepts in retraction for complex gynecological surgery. Experts will provide complementary approaches using the overarching framework of providing ideal exposure for pelvic surgery for laparoscopic, vaginal, and open surgery. Examples of key “tips and tricks” will include video demonstrations of optimal exposure of the vaginal cuff, deep myoma beds, the retroperitoneum in high BMI patients, and anterior and posterior cul-de-sac vaginal entry in patients who have had prior pelvic surgery, with particular examples of how to simulate these for repeated practice in dry lab settings. In addition, novel approaches and emerging innovations in tools to solve well-recognized retraction problems will be presented.


Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Present a formal framework for envisioning solutions to the problem of gynecological surgical retraction; 2) Demonstrate key examples of highly replicable essential retraction steps for complex gynecological surgery across open, vaginal, and laparoscopic approaches; and 3) Extend initial innovations to improve current tools and techniques available for surgical retraction.

Course Outline
11:30 pm    Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview    
F.F. Tu
11:35 pm    Oncological Applications of the Retraction Framework    
N. Goldman
11:45 pm    Urogynecology Applications of the Retraction Framework    
E.R. Sokol
12:00 pm    Benign Gynecological Applications of the Retraction Framework    
F.F. Tu
12:20 pm    Discussion - Questions & Answers    
All Faculty
12:30 pm    Adjourn    

Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link
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