Arleen Song, Duke University Medical Center
Erica Stockwell, AdventHealth
Jeffrey Woo, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Afshin Bahador

The course is designed for robotic surgeons who would be interested in refining or expanding their surgical repertoire and offering minimally invasive surgery in the gynecological surgical practice. It will enhance your knowledge of difficult pelvic anatomy through the lens of a robot and navigate through difficult dissection such as large fibroids, cervical fibroids, broad ligaments fibroids, endometriomas, and difficult myomectomy. The course also will provide tips and tricks on how to avoid and manage complications. The attendees will become familiar with other technology associated with the robot to enhance and incorporate as part of their tools for successful robotic surgery. Lastly, the attendees will have acquired knowledge of other up-and-coming robotic platforms to potentially integrate the gynecological surgical practice.
Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Demonstrate familiarity with difficult pelvic anatomy and navigate through a difficult hysterectomy or myomectomy robotic-assisted surgery; 2) Avoid and manage complications associated with robotic surgery; and 3) Incorporate other technological advancements to enhance and succeed in performing robotic surgery and other robotic surgical platforms.
9:45 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
9:50 Complex Hysterectomy- Large Fibroids, Previous a C-sections. No Problem - Bring It
C. Arora
10:15 Maximizing Your Minimally Invasive Approach to Myomectomy
A. Song
10:40 Approach to Difficult Pelvic Anatomy for Non-Gyo: Tips and Tricks
J.J. Woo
11:05 Complications Can I Avoid It and What Do I Do
A. Bahador
11:30 Utilizing All the Tools in Your Toolbox for Successful Robotic Surgery and What’s Next?
E.L. Stockwell
11:55 Questions & Answers
12:14 Adjourn
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States