Panel 3 – Adenomyosis Understand and Approach an Elusive Disease
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Caterina Exacoustos

View Syllabus Here

Adenomyosis is a fairly common gynecological disease that causes dysmenorrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding and infertility. Traditionally viewed as an enigmatic disease, its management still poses challenges as of today. Through this course, we will explain one important cause of adenomyosis, i.e., iatrogenic uterine procedures. In addition, we will give an overview on the natural history of adenomyotic lesions and explain how the progression of adenomyosis leads to heavy menstrual bleeding. As the diagnosis of adenomyosis has changed from pathological evaluation in the past to imaging, we shall review the essence of imaging-based diagnostic work-up and illustrate challenges in diagnosis. Finally, we will walk the audience through on how to manage adenomyosis-associated infertility.


Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Cite the existing theories on the pathogenesis of adenomyosis; 2) Describe how iatrogenic uterine procedures can increase the risk of developing adenomyosis; 3) Specify the natural history of adenomyotic lesions and recognize how adenomyosis causes heavy menstrual bleeding; 4) Diagnose adenomyosis by either trans-vaginal sonography or MRI; 5) Address the challenges in imaging-based diagnosis; and 6) Manage adenomyosis-associated infertility.


Course Outline
3:15 pm    Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview  
 S.W. Guo
3:20 pm    The Enigma of Adenomyosis Pathophysiology  
S.W. Guo
3:35 pm    The Diagnostic Challenge of Diagnosis  
C. Exacoustos
3:50 pm    How to Manage Adenomyosis-Associated Infertility    
M.A. Phnho de Oliveira
4:05 pm    Questions & Answers - Discussion    

All Faculty
4:15 pm    Adjourn    



Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
PG Course Didactic