ONC-605 - Didactic – Gyn Oncologist View for the General Gyn and Minimally Invasive Gyn Surgeon
Date & Time
Sunday, November 5, 2023, 9:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Masoud Azodi Fernando Heredia Dario Roque


View Syllabus Here

As suggested by assistants to last year´s PG SIG Oncology course, there are many clinical situations related to gynecological tumors in which there are doubts in how to proceed. Usually, a Gynecologic Oncologist is consulted. This course unveils contemporary Oncologic views for several non-oncological situations. To aid the General Gynecologist and Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgeon in selecting the correct management options from an Oncological point of view.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Identify anatomical landmarks which will, in turn, aid him/her to manage complex cases; 2) Plan surgical strategies in obese patients, selecting correctly benign from malignant ovarian masses and the correct way to perform such surgeries; 3) Demonstrate competence in current, oncologic hot topics, such as the use of uterine manipulator and some considerations when managing endometrial hyperplasia; and 4) Identify what to do when an unsuspected malignancy is found after non-oncologic surgery.

9:45 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

9:50 Surgical Strategies and Considerations in Obese Patients Undergoing MIGS

9:45 am    Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview 
F. Heredia/M.Y. Williams-Brown
9:50 am    Do´s & Don’ts of Accessing Pelvic Sidewall/Use the Anatomy to Get out of Trouble    
A. Santillan/A. Tsunoda
10:00 am    Surgical Strategies and Considerations in Obese Patients Undergoing MIGS    
D.R. Roque
10:35 am    Ovarian Tumors: Selecting the Correct Patient for MIS or Refer to the Oncologist: Plan Your Strategy and Get Busy!
D. Sanabria
10:55 am    To Manipulate or Not to Manipulate: That Is the Question    
F. Heredia
11:15 am    “Yours or Mine”: Gynecologic Oncologist Suggestions for Endometrial Hyperplasia    
M. Azodi
11:35 am    “Oops I Did It Again” Incidental Diagnosis of Cancer after Non-Oncological Surgery: What Should be Done    
A. Lopes
11:55 am    Discussion - Questions & Answers    
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Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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Session Type
PG Course Didactic