HSC-611– Didactic - Essentials for Office Hysteroscopy Procedures
Date & Time
Monday, November 6, 2023, 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Ted Anderson Sergio Haimovich Erica Robinson

This comprehensive course is designed to assist with covering the essentials you will need to start integrating office hysteroscopy procedures into your daily practice. It will review what the equipment needs are, how to safely perform the first steps, and how to overcome your fears before you start.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Recognize the differences between available types of equipment and understand how to choose the right one that fits your needs; 2) Move inside a uterine cavity and how to overcome the cervix; and 3) Demonstrate understanding with what you see and diagnose together with basic use of mechanical instruments for performing a biopsy or a small polypectomy.


7:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview

7:05 Understanding Your Equipment and How to Use It
C. Salazar
7:17 Vaginoscopy: Speculum Not Needed Anymore!
E.F. Robinson
7:29 Moving inside a 3D Cavity with 30º Scope
T.L. Anderson
7:41 The Cervix and How to Overcome It
C. Salazar
7:53 Biopsy Tools and How to Use Them
S. Haimovich
8:05 Polypectomy Devices and How to Use Them
E.F. Robinson
8:17 Pain Management
T.L. Anderson
8:29 How to Overcome My Fears
S. Haimovich
8:51 Interactive Kahoot on the Topic
S. Haimovich
901 Questions & Answers

920 Adjourn



Location Name
Full Address
Music City Center
201 Rep. John Lewis Way S
Nashville, TN 37203
United States
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