Angela Chaudhari, Northwestern Medicine/Northwestern University
Nicole Donnellan, UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Alan Lam, Centre for Advanced Reproductive Endosurgery (CARE)
Susan Khalil, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Surgical complications are a part of practice as a busy surgeon, but the psychological impact of an adverse event can be career-altering for members of the health care team involved. Second victim syndrome is defined as the suffering a of a healthcare worker in the face of an adverse patient event, medical error, or patient-related injury as a result of the psychological trauma caused by the event. It is important for surgeons to recognize the impact of adverse events on individual and team well-being, as well as patient safety, and to recognize how to best cope after adverse events in order to sustain our surgical workforce. The goals of this session are to create awareness of the psychological impact of adverse events, to understand your role as the surgeon in identifying and reporting patient safety events in your organization to protect both, your patient and yourself, and to understand how to best recover and move on after a surgical complication.
Learning Objectives: At the end of this course, the participant will be able to: 1) Identify the stages of second victim syndrome that healthcare workers experience after adverse events; 2) Describe the concepts of having difficult conversations with patients and families after complications; 3) Recognize the physician’s role in identifying and reporting adverse events for patient safety; 4) Distinguish the role the organization plays in adverse surgical events; and 5) Utilize personal coping mechanisms and institutional resources that aid with healing after an adverse event.
945 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
9:50 The Second Victim: The Surgeon Experience with Adverse Surgical Events
J.A. Carugno
10:15 Damage Control: Difficult Conversations after an Adverse Event
N. Donnellan
10:40 Patient Safety and Physician Safety: Identifying and Reporting Surgical Adverse Events
S. Khalil
11:05 System Failures: Understanding the Institutional Role in Adverse Events
A.M. Lam
11:30 Moving On: The Role of Self-care, Peer Support and Organizational Support
A. Chaudhari
11:55 Faculty Panel for Discussion
12:14 Adjourn
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