Design: Surgical skills exam prep setup video
Setting: Academic center
Patients or Participants: Obstetrics and gynecology residents taking EMIGS exam
Interventions: Modifying the Ethicon FLS trainer box to make it EMIGS compatible by improving the depth of the box, securely attaching the EMIGS LaparoBowl, and improving visualization by tailoring camera and screen placements.
Measurements and Main Results: EMIGS, which was designed specifically to train and evaluate residents on minimally invasive skills required for gynecologic surgery procedures; has become a preferred training platform for many residency programs given its gynecology specific skills and cognitive materials. Ethicon box trainers are very useful to OB/GYN residents given their various laparoscopic training drills. However, Ethicon box trainers were not designed to facilitate practicing the skills portions of EMIGS given how shallow they are, and the need to perform the exam skills inside of a LaparoBowl. We demonstrate how simple modifications to the box can allow residents to easily toggle between EMIGS and other skills that can be practiced in an Ethicon box trainer. We highlight four key steps. First, the existing grid is detached to increase the depth of the box. Second, the LaparoBowl is then securely attached to the box with Velcro tape. Third, a piece of wood is added to facilitate raising the camera up and over the bowl. Finally, the laptop is rotated to facilitate performing skills from the right or the left side of the box.
Conclusion: Ethicon FLS trainers can be easily and effectively converted to EMIGS trainers offering residents the flexibility to practice various skills with one box.
Bashi, A*. Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Duke University Hospital, Durham, NC, Markert, T. Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Duke University Hospital, Durham, Lachiewicz, M. Department of Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery, Duke University, Durham, NC