Design: Prospective condordance study.
Setting: Twenty hysteroscopists evaluated 36 videos of hysteroscopies performed on infertile women.
Patients or Participants: 36 videos of hysteroscopies and 20 gynaechologists (residents and experienced).
Interventions: Classification of the pathologies showed on the vídeos.
Measurements and Main Results: Agreement on the diagonosis of chronic endometritis on hysteroscopy were measured. The interobserver agreement index (k) among experienced hysteroscopists was 0.654 (p < 0.001) and among resident physicians was 0.428 (p < 0.001). Among the experienced physicians, the agreement was lower for diagnosis of endometritis (k = 0.425) than for all other possible diagnoses. The intraobserver agreement indices varied between k = 0.597 and k = 0.963.
Conclusion: Experienced evaluators showed good agreement for the findings, but concordance for "endometritis" was only moderate, and the same was true for the resident physicians. The results of concordance were lower among resident physicians than professionals with more experience.
Delle Donne, RD*1, Pazello, R Sr.2, Deslandes, S3, Porto Bonow, M3, Da Silva, MC4, Grande, LL5, Carvalho, N3. 1UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, Parana, Brazil; 2Pelvic Surgery and Endometriosis - Gynecology, UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil; 3UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil; 4Hospital Sao Vicente de Paulo, Guarapuava, Brazil; 5Hospital São Vicente de Paulo, Guarapuava, Brazil