Full Name
Hillary Robinowitz-Elins
Novant Health- Novant Huntersville Hospital/Novant Health Medical Group
Speaker Bio
Dr Elins is a board-certified OB/GYN with over twenty years experience, and a particular interest in treatment for fibroids, abnormal uterine bleeding, and minimally invasive techniques to treat these conditions. She currently is a Physician Lead for Novant Health North Charlotte market of North Carolina, and is lead for Acessa for the entire Novant Charlotte area. She has had the privilege of training with Dr Bruce Lee, and being mentored through difficult cases by him to grow her skills quickly. She previously was the medical director for Inova Alexandria OB/GYN, and a proctor for Hologic in both Novasure/ Myosure for over 10 years. During this time as proctor she was faculty for the Washington Hospital Center/Georgetown SOM residency training their residents in operative hysteroscopy. She attributes her love for learning new technology, and teaching to her first Air Force assignment post-residency at Wright-Patterson AFB/Wright State SOM residency .
Hillary Robinowitz-Elins