Full Name
Gary N. Frishman
Brown University; Women & Infants Hospital
Speaker Bio
Gary Frishman, MD is a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Clinical Professor of Ob/Gyn at Brown Medical School. He served as Brown Ob/Gyn residency program director from 2008-2018 and subsequently as REI fellowship director. In addition to recognition from Brown, he has received teaching awards from ACOG, CREOG, and APGO (twice). He served a six-year term on the ACGME Ob/Gyn Review Committee in addition to being on the working group for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Milestones 1.0 and Reproductive Endocrinology Milestones versions 1.0 and 2.0 (and was the only physician in the United States to be on all committees). Dr. Frishman has held multiple leadership positions having served on the boards of the AAGL, ASRM, and FMIGS. He was President of AAGL as well as the Society for Reproductive Surgeons. He was Deputy Editor for the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology for 10 years before assuming the role of co-Editor-in-Chief in 2023.
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