Full Name
Ulrika Johannesson
Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of obstetrics and gynecology, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Speaker Bio
Ulrika Johannesson is a Senior consultant in obstetrics and gynecology at Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden and an Associate professor at Karolinska Institutet. She is responsible for the team of robotic surgery and lead of the surgical department. Her research focus on surgical methods such as hysterectomy, prolapse surgery and ceasarean sections, with emphasis on how patients are affected regarding life quality, sexual function and pelvic floor function. Research methods includes prospective cohort studies, epidemiological studies and two recently started randomized controlled studies. She lectures frequently on robotic and laparoscopic surgery and is affiliated to teaching at Karolinska Institutet. Currently she is co-supervisor to two PhD-students.
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