Suyash Naval, Naval Multispecialty Hospital
Annie Apple, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Liron Bar-El, Cleveland Clinic
Jasmine Correa, University of California, San Francisco
Sireen Jaber, SMIGS
Nurul Farhanah Abdul Latif, Baylor College of Medicine

Moderators: Uchenna C. Acholonu, Jr./Andre Aguirre
11:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
11:04 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Maximally Invasive Placenta
J. Correa, J. Kim, W. Zhang, T.E. Ito
11:10 Handx Robotic Arm Assisted vNOTES Hysterectomy With Contained Transvaginal Specimen Retrieval
S. Naval, R. Naval, S. Naval
11:16 Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Hemi Hysterectomy after Inappropriate Management of OHVIRA
S.K. Joseph, D. Pugmire, A.L. Akinpeloye, M.I. Abuzeid
11:22 Robotic-Assisted Abdominal Cerclage in Bicornuate Uterus
X. Guan, N.F.B. Abdul Latif, Z. Guan, S. Asare
11:28 Early Experience With Robotic Burch Colposuspension Utilizing an Open-Console Modular Robotic Platform
S. Jaber, N. Peters, A. Harris, A. Zuschmann, D. Krishnan, D. Conrad
11:34 Mastering the Reduced-Port Robotic Myomectomy (RPRM) Technique
L. Bar-El, J. Danneberger, T. Gallant, L.N. Valentine
11:40 Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Repair of Uterine Defect Due to Focal Placenta Accreta
A. Apple, N. Labban, M.S. Kinson
11:46 Discussion - Questions & Answers
12:00 noon Adjourn
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