Kelly Ryan, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
Jessica Savoni, Cleveland Clinic Florida
Ofra Sindel, Sheba Medical Center
Lauren van Reesema, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Moderators: Bala Bhagavath/Steve Radtke
11:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
11:04 Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy: Tips and Tricks for Laparoscopic Management
L.L. Siewertsz van Reesema, L. Nehme, J.J. Woo
11:10 Recurrent Ovarian Torsion: A Novel Ovary-Preserving Technique
K.L. Ryan, M. McKenna, K. Sasaki, C.E. Miller
11:16 Stepwise Approach to Laparoscopic Excision of Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy
J.J. Savoni, P. Frazzini Padilla, M. Sprague
11:22 Laparoscopic Treatment of Dermoid Cyst Involving the Bladder
A.V. Rangel, R. Gabriel, A. Findley
11:28 Novel Contained Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Morcellation - The Lavmor Technique
S.P. Trivedi
11:34 Laparoscopic Abdominal Cerclage: Highlighting Strategies in Non-Gravid and Gravid Uteri
J. Clay, M. Billow
11:40 Rudimentary Horn Pregnancy and Scar Niche Repair
O. Sindel
11:46 Discussion - Questions & Answers
12:00 noon Adjourn
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