Cyra Cottrell, Mayo Clinic
Dana Elborno, Northwestern University
Mateo Leon, McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center

Moderators: Andrew Sokol/Nicolae Suciu
3:15 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
3:19 Modified Wharton-Sheares-George Vaginoplasty with OASIS Graft: An Outpatient Surgical Procedure for Neovagina Creation
D. Elborno, J. Geynisman-Tan, S. Muttar, E. Yerkes, J. Grabowski
3:25 Green to Identify, Blue for Integrity - Robot-Assisted Caesarean Scar Defect Resection and Repair
C.R. Mathias, N. Dahiya
3:31 The Great Masquerader: Accessory Cavitating Uterine Mass (ACUM). Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Surgical Management
C.M. Cottrell, A.V. Byers, S.C. Baumgarten, A.G. Cope, Z. Khan
3:37 Tips and Tricks for Successful Resection of Cesarean Scar Ectopic With an Obliterated Anterior Cul De Sac
M.G. Leon, J. Cervantes, K. Schmidt
3:43 Cornual Ectopic Pregnancies: Diagnostic Approach to Pregnancies Presenting Within the Uterine Cornua
A.C.E. Dadrat, A.R.R. Borovich, N. Goncalves, J. To
3:49 Fertility-Preserving Laparoscopic Surgery for Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation After Failed Uterine Artery Embolization
A. Matthaeus, S. Dudhat, G. Janik
3:55 Laparoscopic Technique for Peritoneal Pull-through Vaginoplasty in the Transfeminine Patients
G.C. Horwood, B. Stojanovic, N. Cormier, J. McCall, S.S. Singh, G. Barisic, M. Djordjevic
4:01 Discussion - Questions & Answers
4:15 Adjourn
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