VIDEO SESSION - 04 - Hysteroscopy
Date & Time
Monday, November 18, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Moderators: Kalyan B. Barmade/Alka Kumar

2:00 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview 

2:04 To See or Not to See? A Visually Directed Approach to the Hysteroscopic Removal of RPOC from an Angular Pregnancy in an Arcuate Uterus 
C.A.Z. Mabini, T. Tam, S. Siddique 

2:10 Varied Intrauterine Pressure- How to Ensure Complete Hysteroscopic Resection of Large Intramural Fibroids 
L. Bar-El, J. Danneberger, J. Clay, L.D. Bradley 

2:16 Navigating False Passages: Strategies for Effective Hysteroscopy Management 
M.A. Merida, S. Sharma, E. Cetin, S.K. Joseph, J. Holmes, M.I. Abuzeid 

2:22 Office Hysteroscopy for PMB and the Importance of Sampling All Visualized Abnormalities 
C.P. Diniz, M. Levie 

2:28 Extreme Hysteroscopic Myomectomy for Delivering Fibroids 
K.A. Stewart, A. Famuyide 

2:34 The Use of Foley Catheters in Hysteroscopy Combined with Laparoscopy for the Treatment of Post-Cesarean Section Uterine Diverticulum 
X. Liang 

2:40 Discussion - Questions & Answers 

3:00 Adjourn 


Location Name
Room: 276
Full Address
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type