Fernando Heredia, Universidad de Concepción
Emily Olig, Mayo Clinic Arizona
Emily Wolverton, Oregon Health and Science University
Caroline Leps, University of Toronto
Chang Liu, The first hospital of Lanzhou University

Moderators: Denise Walinsky/ Robert K. Zurawin
9:45 Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
9:49 Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy Via the Vulva Single Incision (VEIL-V)
C. Liu, X. Bi, Z. Guan, X. Lv, T. Lei, X. Ma
9:55 Uterine Applications of the Laparoscopic Ultrasound
C. Leps, M.A. McGrattan, L.C. Brennan, M.J. Solnik
10:01 When in Doubt, Green It out: Use of ICG in the Hysteroscopic-Assisted Robotic Excision of an Isthmocele in a Patient With Asherman's Syndrome
C.A.Z. Mabini, T. Tam, S. Siddique
10:07 Laparoscopic Management of Cervico Vaginal Agenesis in Rudimentary Horn Uterus With Pelvic Kidney, Two Step Approach
H. Pandit, A. Tajane, A. Shaikh
10:13 ICG Guided Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping: Which Node to Harvest?
F. Heredia, J.R. Escalona, D. Sanabria, J. Landeros, M. Arévalo, I. Arévalo
10:19 Single Port Robotic Hysterectomy of an Enlarged Uterus
E. Olig, J. Yi
10:25 Intra-Ureteral Indocyanine Green (ICG) Dye Use during Complex Pelvic Surgery: A Surgical Tutorial and Guide
E. Wolverton, E. Qiao, S.B. Kaiser, C. Gould, J.M. Wong
10:31 Discussion - Questions & Answers
10:45 Adjourn
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