Panel 11 - AAGL/SGO: Updates in Fertility Sparing Treatment of Endometrial Cancer – Womb for Improvement
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Endometrial cancer is one of the only malignancies in the world that is rising in both incidence and mortality. Additionally, 15% of new endometrial cancer cases are diagnosed in young, premenopausal women—a trend also anticipated to increase. Even in cases in which cure is possible, the loss of reproductive potential in younger women diagnosed with an endometrial malignancy is a devastating consequence of treatment. Modern-day fertility-sparing treatment strategies offer select women with endometrial cancer the possibility of fertility-sparing cancer care. This course offers an exploration of contemporary fertility-sparing treatment modalities for endometrial cancer, designed for healthcare professionals specializing in gynecologic oncology, gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, and advanced practice providers. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest evidence-based approaches and emerging technologies aimed at preserving fertility while effectively managing endometrial cancer and pre-cancer. The curriculum covers a range of topics including patient selection criteria, diagnostic protocols, racial/ethnic differences in disease presentation and treatment response, and individualized treatment planning.

Learning Objectives: After attending this session, the participant will be able to: 1) Cite the latest advancements in fertility-sparing treatments for endometrial cancer; 2) Develop skills in patient selection, diagnostic evaluation, and individualized treatment planning; 3) Implement multidisciplinary approaches to optimize patient outcomes; 4) Recognize disparities in diagnostic and treatment outcomes based on age, race/ethnicity, molecular markers, and genetic conditions; and 5) Navigate the ethical and psychological complexities of fertility preservation in gynecologic cancer care.

Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
Amanda Nickles, Fader, MD, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Candidates and Clinical Trials: Who Benefits from Fertility-Sparing Medical Treatment for Endometrial
Shannon N. Westin, MD, MPH, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

When Can Ovarian Conservation at Hysterectomy for Endometrial Cancer be Considered?
Jennifer Mueller, MD, FACOG, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

What Are the Molecular, Genomic, Generational, and Racial/Ethnic Considerations in Fertility-Sparing Endometrial Cancer Treatment?
Ursula Catena, MD, PhD, Agostino Gemelli University Hospital, Rome, Italy

Disease Surveillance and Reproductive Outcomes: How Do You Optimize Conditions for Patients?
Mindy Christianson, MD, MBA, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Beachwood, OH

Discussion - Questions & Answers - All Faculty


Location Name
Room: 266
Full Address
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type