ANAT-710: AAGL/ISSA: Advanced Anatomy Cadaver Demonstration Lab: Tips and Tricks in Minimally Invasive Retroperitoneal Surgical Anatomy to Perform Safe Gynecologic Surgery
Date & Time
Sunday, November 17, 2024, 12:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Marcello Ceccaroni Gaby Moawad Shanti Mohling Marie Paraiso Shailesh Puntambekar

Course Description
Following the principles taught in The Tide is High, But I'm Holdin' On: Tips and Tricks in Minimally Invasive Retroperitoneal Surgical Anatomy to Perform Safe Gynecologic Surgery didactic PG course, this hands-on cadaveric course will provide a step-by-step surgical approach (both robotic and laparoscopic) to the pelvic viscera, retroperitoneal avascular spaces, and pelvic ureters. Emphasis will be put upon identifying anatomical landmarks, including surgical principles and techniques to enter the retroperitoneal avascular spaces. Instruction on techniques for gentle tissue handling to avoid bleeding, proper traction, counter-traction, sharp and blunt dissections while preventing vascular, urinary, bowel, and nervous complications. Special care will be given to nerve-sparing techniques during minimally invasive dissection, with demonstration of main pathways of visceral and somatic pelvic innervation. This course includes a robotic and a laparoscopic keynote demonstration performed by masters in surgery and surgical anatomy, on a cadaveric specimen with intact uteri and cervix.

12:45pm - Welcome, Introduction, and Course Overview – M. Ceccaroni, S. Puntambekar
12:55pm - LAB I: Robotic Keynote Cadaveric Demonstration: How to Ride Into the Human Body 
Proctors: S.I. Mohling, G.N. Moawad
Discussant: Marie Fidela R. Paraiso
•    Robotic Dissection of Uterus, Uterine Ligaments, IP Ligaments and Adnexa, Tips and Tricks to Perform Safe Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and Adnexal Surgery.
•    Robotic mobilization of the liver and surgical approaches for a safe diaphragmatic surgery in infiltrative diseases.
•    Robotic strategies for avoiding/preventing/managing complications during surgery.
2:15pm - LAB II: Laparoscopic Keynote Cadaveric Demonstration 
Proctors: M. Ceccaroni, S. Puntambekar
Discussant: Marie Fidela R. Paraiso
•    The Parametrial Revolution for Tackling the Infiltrative Pelvic Diseases, and Bringing Back Life and Quality of Life
•    Dissection of Pelvic Vascularization, Parametrial Ligaments, Posterior Compartment, Rectal Ligaments, Presacral Space and Pelvic Nerves
3:40pm -
Discussion - Questions & Answers - All Faculty
4:00pm - Adjourn

Location Name
Room: 284
Full Address
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Session Type
PG Course Didactic