Richard Cockrum, Endeavor Health
Isabel Green, Mayo Clinic, Rochester

This course provides learners with tools to complete a comprehensive assessment of gynecologic and myofascial sources of chronic pelvic pain and how to perform procedural treatments of identified pain generators to improve understanding of complex musculoskeletal anatomy. Abdominal and pelvic floor myofascial injections will be demonstrated, along with image-guided nerve blocks. We will discuss how to optimize medical and adjuvant procedural therapies for patients with chronic pelvic pain refractory to gynecologic surgery.
Learning Objectives: After attending this session, the participant will be able to: 1) Describe prevalent sources of chronic pelvic pain, including gynecologic, myofascial, and nervous system etiologies; 2) Complete a comprehensive pelvic pain history and physical exam, and correlate findings with specific pain sources; and 3) Apply procedural and medication treatments for clinical indications.
Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
Chair: Susan S. Khalil, MD
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
Residual and Persistent Pelvic Pain after Gynecologic Surgery
Susan S. Khalil, MD, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
Comprehensive History and Physical Exam to Assess Pelvic Pain Generators
Richard H. Cockrum, MD, Endeavor Health, Skokie, IL
Procedural and Adjuvant Treatments of Chronic Pelvic Pain
Isabel C. Green, MD, MEHP, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Rochester, MN
Pelvic Pain Treatments: Medication Management for Pelvic Pain
Stacey A. Scheib, MD, FACOG, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA
Discussion - Questions & Answers - All Faculty
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New Orleans, LA 70130
United States