HSC-603: Office Hysteroscopy - Just Do It (Why, How, When, How Much ...)
Date & Time
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 9:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Jovana Tavcar Stephanie Morris Erica Robinson Christina Salazar

This course provides a comprehensive review of the indications, with clinical examples, principles, and techniques of office hysteroscopy (OH). Office hysteroscopy is very underutilized, and this course aims to address different obstacles to its use in practice. One of the obstacles is lack of understanding of the indications. Even though indications are known in theory, there is a major gap in application in practice. Precise indications, with specific clinical examples, images, and videos in both generalist and MIGS practice will be used. Peer reviewed literature data will be used to show how much office hysteroscopy changes the patient management, (both diagnostic and operative), in various pathology (postmenopausal bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding, polyps, fibroids, retained IUDs, retained products of conception, intrauterine adhesions, etc.).

Technique, another obstacle of office hysteroscopy, will be reviewed in detail including the needed equipment, different instruments, vaginoscopy technique, and technique for addressing different pathology. Videos will be used extensively to illustrate techniques that allow successful outcomes and patient safety.

We will also review the reimbursement, (which is a very significant aspect for practice sustainability), details of billing. and discuss how this applies to different physician compensation models (productivity/RVU, private practice etc.). We will also include the investment cost (when starting it in your practice) and the return. 

The course will demonstrate, with high-quality evidence, images. and video presentations, all of the aspects of office hysteroscopy. This enables the participant (Generalist OBGYNs, OBGYN Residents, MIGS Fellows, MIGS Graduates, etc.), to initiate or advance OH in their practice, including to advocate for office hysteroscopy in their institution.

Learning Objectives: After attending this session, the participant will be able to: 1) Employ safe and effective surgical techniques for office hysteroscopy; 2) Apply office hysteroscopy for different intrauterine pathology; and 3) Navigate the business aspects of office hysteroscopy (reimbursement, investment, return...)

Welcome, Introduction and Course Overview
Chair: Jovana Tavcar, MD
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology - MIGS, Washington, DC

How?/What? Equipment, Office Setup, Instruments for Office Hysteroscopy
Christina A. Salazar, MD, Department of Women’s Health, University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School, Austin, TX

How? Surgical Techniques for OH
Stephanie N. Morris, MD, Mass General Brigham - Newton Wellesley Hospital, Newton, MA

How Much? Reimbursement, Investment, Return
Jovana Tavcar, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology - MIGS, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC

Why?/When? Indications for OH With Clinical Examples
Erica F. Robinson, MD, Prisma Health- University of South Carolina Greenville, Greenville, SC

Discussion - Questions & Answers - All Faculty


Location Name
Room: 276
Full Address
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
PG Course Didactic